Laurence J. Stybel, Ed.D
Doctorate (EdD) from Harvard University in Organizational
Masters in Psychology from University of Texas.
Licensed Psychologist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Laurence J. Stybel is a licensed psychologist, co-founder of two companies, Entrepreneur-in-Residence at a private equity fund, and a monthly contributor on leadership for PSYCHOLOGY TODAY.
Larry has given keynote addresses at national conferences such as the Society of Information Management, Financial Executives International, and The National Basketball Retired Players Association.
The publishers of WHO’S WHO presented Larry with the Albert Marquis Distinguished Service Award for "his enduring contributions to the field of leadership."
His Board work includes a venture-backed tech company in the HR space. Larry has served on the Boards of the New England Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the National Human Resource Association, and the Institute for Career Certification International.
You can contact Larry at lstybel@stybelpeabody.com

Maryanne Peabody
MBA, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
Recipient/Hoblitzelle Foundation's Women in Business Scholarship.
Further Education
Georgetown University, Certificate in Leadership Coaching.
Columbia University, Advanced training in organizational
Birkman Method Certified.
Maryanne Peabody is co-founder and Vice President of Stybel Peabody. As President of Arbora Global's United States group she spearheaded its move into developing web based career management tools for use on a global basis. An organization development consultant, she has assisted companies in the areas of leadership effectiveness and career management since 1981. One of Maryanne's areas of expertise is assisting individuals rising through the professional ranks to become leaders without their having received specific education in management. Her work includes the fields or law, medicine, accounting, professional services consulting, health care, technology, and education.
Maryanne is on the Board of Directors of a company which owns nursing homes. Prior to founding the firm, Maryanne held leadership positions in start-up health care organizations. Some of her accomplishments include the establishment of clinics in rural Texas, quality care programs in long-term care facilities and the framework for a home health care program for the City of Boston. Her health care management experience includes hospital, ambulatory care, community health, home health and long term care settings.
Maryanne was on the Board of Directors of the New England Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors, and a founder of NACD's "Best Practices" seminar. She has served on the Board of a company that builds and manages assisted living facilities for low income elderly.
As an elected official and Chairman of the Town of Wayland's Board of Health, Maryanne also gained experience in key environmental health issues. She currently serves on the Personnel Board for the Town of Wayland.
Maryanne's MBA is from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where she was the first recipient of the Hoblitzelle Foundation's Women in Business Scholarship. Maryanne has a certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University and advanced training in organization behavior from Columbia University and has received certification as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coach Federation.
Maryanne has been a guest on various national and local TV and radio programs to discuss career issues. Her work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and The Boston Globe.

Michael Allosso
M.F.A. in Directing from Boston Univeristy.
B.A. in Theatre Arts from Brandeis University.
Further Education
Certified Specialist in the Birkman Method.
Michael Allosso has worked for over 18 years with Stybel,
Peabody as a presentation and communications coach.
He brings his "You on Your Best Day" program to executives,
corporations, and organizations. Michael's background
as an award winning professional director/choreographer
of countless plays, films, videos and live events has
given him the tools to augment his talent of instantly
pinpointing an individual's communication/leadership
skills and shortcomings and to help implement concrete
methods of improvement.
Michael has been the Artistic Director and Manager
of numerous theaters in the Boston area and has created
and managed his own improvisational comedy troupe. He
has taught in numerous colleges and schools and has
been chief administrator of the Boston University Theatre
Institute and National Dance Institute/N.E. under Jacques

Kevin Shields
Kevin Shields brings over thirty years of experience in executive search, organization development, and leadership development. He began his career doing construction work and wound up as a member of the Board of Directors of the George B. H. Macomber Construction Company. At the time, Macomber was one of New England’s largest construction firms.
Corporate clients include State Street, Citigroup, General Dynamics, and Bright Horizons.
NGOs and non-profits include the Board of Directors of the Hope for African Children’s Initiative, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded organization. Other clients include the International Fund for Animal Welfare, where he served as interim COO and Vice President of Philanthropy, Heifer International, and Save the Children.
Kevin received his BA from the University of New Hampshire and his Masters degree from Northeastern University.

Sarah Blute Kaschak
Leadership Coaching Certificate, Georgetown University.
M.A., Clinical Psychology, Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology.
BA in Psychology, Georgetown University.
Sarah Blute Kaschak’s focus is leadership development and effective communication. Previous positions include leadership roles in operations and project management.
Her work is grounded in the principles of positive psychology, cognitive behavioral psychology, and organization development.
She enjoys hiking, kayaking, scuba diving, sailing, and has even tried skydiving.

Mark Cohen
BA, English and Drama, State University of New York, Fredonia.
EMBA, Suffolk University.
Mark Cohen (he/him) has been a Human Resources Executive, Management Consultant and Career Coach. His business experience includes working with international corporations in tech, finance, medical devices and biopharma as well as family-owned small businesses.
Mark is a certified mediator and is the co-author of a book, The 24-Hour Turnaround. It is about successful management practices in small to mid-sized businesses during turbulent times.
Mark holds a BA in English and Drama from State University of New York at Fredonia and an EMBA from Suffolk University.
He has devoted his career to helping people (including himself) find a path in life that suits and pleases them.
He has run 5 marathons and has boxes of T-shirts from many other races.